You Lied to Yourself about these Albums
The word of the year is accountability, my friends. Moving into 2022 I want you all to start accepting responsibility for the lies you tell. Simply put I want better for you. I watched album after album get called classic or trash and nowhere in between and now it's time to own up to the Top 5 Albums/Songs You Lied About this year.
Dusty Kessley*
5. Folarin 2 singles.
Now I’m gonna cop my pleas first by saying I think Wale is one of the best Poets ever. With that being said you all went absolutely ape shit with your thumbs each time a single dropped. Poke IT Out might be the worst J Cole collab I’ve heard. Every single from the project is a skip. Puffy did not lose JLo to the streets and end up making I Need A Girl just for it to be flipped into that…Ya’ll lied. Egregious Rick Ross type lies that we just don’t need. Aside from those singles tho it's a great album.
4. Summer Walker Ex For A Reason
I’m not sure if it’s because you all expected to bring you the super hurt vibes from the jump or something but I sat back and watched you all call a good single trash. You hit the slander button at 5G LTE speeds just to back peddle 2 weeks later. I was appalled but not surprised.
3. Wasting Time Brent Faiyaz and Drake.
Does anyone remember this song? It came out this year and was followed by a plethora of “song of the year” tweets. And that lasted for exactly one day. Then nobody mentioned it again. This one was a missed fast-break layup. I guess it speaks to the greatness that is Drake and Brent. When you’re that good we tend to lie about the mid.
2. Culture 3 - Migos
I feel like I don’t need to go into detail here. This is one of those that as soon as you read it you remembered how you lied about it being fire.
Some of you went as far as saying this was in the top 3 for album of the year. I pray you never end up on the Grammy committee or we are doomed you hear me? Doomed!
1. CLB - Drake.
Call it ‘Drake fatigue’ or whatever but this album brought out the worst takes on the timeline. Go back and look at the tracklist from 2 through 14 and tell me how someone calls this album mid on the first day? Now I’m not saying this is some 5 flame emoji classic but it's far better than the slander it got on day 1.
I say all of that to say this; we need to give it a second before we slander or praise an artist’s latest effort. Some songs/albums age like fine wine. Others age like racist white women named Sharon. So before you get the urge to let your thumbs rattle off unmitigated lies just breathe, relax and listen a few more times.
That’s all from me, my friends. I gotta go figure out the best way to avoid having to respond to holiday texts. Let’s keep the music lies to a minimum in 2022.