📖: “A REAL JOB” | midori 🐛
written by: midori
it’s weird having a job people truly despise. although i have gotten used to the hate that comes with the job, it still amazes me every time i get a disgusting comment. every time we get an OF scare, most of us aren’t even phased by the clickbait but then we see people we consider friends commenting “now it’s time for a real job!” which goes to show how little people actually know about sex work. unfortunately it’s a lot of women. i’ve cut people off from comments about my work because it means that much to me, but although i love my job i dislike how it’s glamorized. younger people think it’s just a sign up for instant money and don’t realize all the work my friends and i put in and that’s just us online sex workers. there’s sex workers out there who do face to face sex work, putting their lives at risk. i salute them. my anxiety would never allow face to face. dms alone give me enough anxiety, i can’t imagine meeting a fan in person.
i have made a persona for my work, her name is midori which means green in japanese. i love her. she makes me feel sexy. she makes me feel seen. people love her, i’ve been fortunate to climb to the top .3% with her and have built huge platforms with her. it makes me sad to think one day she won’t exist within me anymore but until then i will continue to enjoy this person i created. i feel like it makes the job easier. it separates me. it gives me privacy. having a big following is not as cool as u think, especially if it’s for sex work. u could tweet “i love cheese” and people will turn it into a sexual thing. u could be sad and still get comments like “but ur still sexy” and it’s like no dude. IM SAD. i know so many sex workers who have had to check into hospitals because their mental was so low from doing this line of work. it’s like once u become a sex worker u are no longer human. u are an object, a transaction. we can’t be sad, we can’t have feelings. it’s all about selling and promoting ourselves. it’s exhausting. it’s the worst part of the job. sex workers are tired of u treating us like objects. we wanna be loved.
when people u know in real life know ur a sex worker they tend to act different. suddenly because ur a sex worker u want to fuck everyone u come in contact with? girls think ur gonna fuck their man and men think u will let them fuck. it’s gross. even artists. i’ve paid artists for commissions and i’m like draw me and for some reason they always exaggerate my body and it will take up the whole picture and it drives me nuts cause i’m like i wear clothes too ya know ??? like i don’t always have to be some lustful, sexy, “goddess” y’all paint me as. it makes me grateful for the people who still treat me as the same. i’m fortunate to have amazing friends who let me know i am loved for me and not my looks. i am also fortunate to have an accepting, open minded family. they just want me to be happy and i appreciate them so much for it.
sex work is a real job and we just want y’all to see it. understand it. we are mothers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, we are human. stop treating us like anything less. y’all wanna enjoy us when u are horny, please don’t act like we are disposable after ur post nut clarity. i am a sex worker. i am an artist. i am a person. please see me.