Perfectly imperfect beings. It has become so easy for us to harbor shame.
Guilt for doing things, or not doing things. Shame for being this, and not being that.
They say let the good outweigh the bad, but why does the bad always feel the heaviest?
Society, illuding the illusion of perfection, which is perception.
Only we deem what is perfect in our world. How about we perfectly unbind ourselves from our shame and our guilt. Release the feels of past regrets, let it go, and let it flow from us.
Let it flow back to where it came from. Any circumstances or situations that put us in sticky altercations with ourselves and others have to be acknowledged and learned from.
These deeply rooted feelings are here for our expansion. What has us so hung up that we can’t look past who we were or where we were back then?
Attachment, holding onto things we wish were different, or wish we could feel again. I get it. It’s still time traveling.
Blast to the past, which is any moment prior to right now. Seeing to the future, which is time yet to come. Both can keep us from changing our now. What exists in your now?
What do you want your now to look like, feel like, be like? We must create this for ourselves.
My now doesn’t hold shame or guilt. My now is compassionate towards my experiences, for I know they are shaping me into my highest if I allow them to. My now is realizing that things aren’t happening to me, but happening for me. This allows me to forgive myself and forgive others. This allows me to release the shame that inhibits me from being my authentic self.
Clearing my heart space of heavy sorrows, for brighter tomorrows, and loving todays.
A blog post shared by @freeflowRA ; an ode to Unconventional Eulogy, an exceptional writers platform.